Northern Ireland - Plantations, Conflict, Union (2025)

Early modern Ulster

inNorthern IrelandinHistory


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  • Northern Ireland - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11)
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Written by

Karl S. Bottigheimer Professor of History, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Author of Ireland and the Irish and others.

Karl S. Bottigheimer,

Colin Coulter Lecturer in Sociology, National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Author of Contemporary Northern Irish Society: An Introduction.

Colin CoulterAll

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English and Scottish plantations

During the 16th and 17th centuries, the most isolated and undisturbed part of Ireland was transformed by immigration from Britain. The narrow North Channel separates northeastern Ulster from southwestern Scotland. Whereas in the early Middle Ages there had been a significant eastward migration of people from Ulster to Scotland, a pronounced westward flow of Scots to Ulster began in the 16th century. The crucial preconditions of Ulster’s transformation were the expansion of English ambitions in Ireland from the 1530s, the defeat of Hugh O’Neill, 2nd earl of Tyrone, and the lords of the north in the opening years of the 17th century, and the determination of King James I to “plant” six of Ulster’s nine counties with immigrant English and Scottish colonists.

A few years after the defeat of the northern earls, an excuse was found to plant the six counties of Ulster, which were judged to have escheated to the crown. Only Monaghan, Down, and Antrim were excepted, the first because it had been subjected to a “native” plantation in the 1590s and the latter two because neither was held by the rebel earls and both were already areas of extensive de facto Scottish settlement. Plantation involved confiscated territory being granted to new landowners on the condition that they would establish settlers as their tenants and that they would introduce English law and the Protestant religion. This formalized and encouraged an immigration that had begun before the 17th century and that continued throughout and after it.

Religion and social structure

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Religious differences accentuated the transforming effect of immigration. A halfhearted attempt to propagate Protestantism in Ireland had largely failed by the 1590s among both the Gaelic Irish and the so-called Old English (descendants of the Anglo-Normans). Despite its nominal proscription, the Roman Catholic Church claimed the allegiance of almost the entire population, except the newcomers from Britain. English-born settlers gravitated to the Church of Ireland, a Protestant church modeled on the Church of England. Scottish settlers brought with them the ardent Calvinism that had recently established itself in their homeland. Any affinity that Gaelic Irish and Gaelic Scots might once have shared was offset, in an age of doctrinal extremism and intolerance, by the polarities of their respective religions.

Ulster became a province dominated by Protestant English and Scottish planters. Its landholding aristocracy was largely English, but beneath it lay a yeomanry of substantial tenant farmers drawn from both Scottish and English immigrants. This represented a significant change in the economics of agriculture in Ireland. As a result, the native Irish were disadvantaged and displaced to less-arable and more-marginal landholdings, though many continued as tenants of the new owners. The most violent reaction to this economic and cultural displacement was the rebellion of 1641, which originated in Ulster and took the form of a surprise attack upon English (and later Scottish) settlers. The plantation temporarily collapsed as colonists fled for their lives, but, with the reconquest of Ireland by Oliver Cromwell in the 1650s and the restoration of the Stuart monarchy in 1660, the Ulster plantation was reestablished.

The 18th and 19th centuries

Ulster in the 18th century

The plantation of the 17th century made Ulster distinct among the provinces of Ireland because its immigrant British and Protestant population was larger and more concentrated than that of any other region. When in 1689 the Roman Catholic James II, who had been expelled from England by the Glorious Revolution of the previous year, attempted to recover his fortunes in Ireland, he based his forces in Catholic Dublin. His adversary and successor as king of Great Britain, the Protestant William III, made Protestant Belfast his encampment. When James’s forces surrounded the new town of Londonderry (Derry), its Protestant inhabitants withstood a long and painful siege rather than capitulate to a Catholic Stuart. At the Battle of the Boyne in 1690, William’s forces routed those of James. Although Ulster was the most British and most Protestant part of Ireland, it contained a large population of non-British Catholics and was contiguous with a larger and preponderantly Catholic Ireland.

In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, Ulster, like many predominantly Protestant regions of Europe, became a refuge for Huguenots, Protestants who fled from France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Many of these refugees brought commercial and industrial skills that contributed to the development of linen cloth manufacture. Although the linen industry remained traditional and small-scale (and existed in other parts of Ireland as well), it established a foundation for the later industrialization of Belfast and the River Lagan valley in the 19th century.

In 18th-century Ulster there were two elite and two lower classes. One group of elites was predominantly English, contained the most influential landowners, and was Protestant, affiliated with the Church of Ireland; the other was predominantly commercial, contained Scots as well as English, and included Protestants affiliated with various sects, especially Calvinist ones. The two lower classes were divided by religion: one was Catholic, the other Protestant. Among the lower-class Protestants there was substantial emigration to North America in the middle decades of the 18th century. These so-called Scotch-Irish, frustrated by limited economic opportunity in Ulster, became a mainstay of the Middle Atlantic colonies and the Appalachian frontier. The lower-class Protestants who remained in Ulster competed with lower-class Catholics for favourable leases of land and later for favourable jobs. The elites gradually gained the allegiance of the lower-class Protestants by playing upon sectarian fears.

Late 18th-century Ulster exhibited diverse, contrary tendencies. Belfast was the seat of the Society of United Irishmen (founded 1791), whose Enlightenment-inspired members dreamed of an ecumenical nation freed of corrupt Hanoverian monarchy and religious division. However, conditions in County Armagh gave rise to bitter sectarian strife, and a pitched battle between Protestant and Catholic factions at the Diamond (near Loughgall) in September 1795 led to the founding of the Orange Society (later known as the Orange Order), which was devoted to maintaining British rule and Protestant ascendancy. A series of rebellions in the summer of 1798—inspired by the United Irishmen but triggering the sectarian passions of the Catholic peasantry, especially in Leinster—attracted ineffectual French support and brutal British repression. Some 35,000 people died, and confidence in the ability of the relatively independent (since 1782) Irish Parliament to maintain stability was profoundly shaken. The result was the Act of Union of 1800, which ended such autonomy as existed and transferred Irish representation to the British Parliament at Westminster in London.

From at least the end of the 17th century, the population of Ulster had been predominantly Protestant and British, a stark contrast from the rest of Ireland. Economic differences between Ulster and southern Ireland widened in the 19th century as the north underwent a process of industrialization and urbanization centred in Belfast and the Lagan valley. Textile manufacture, both cotton and linen, and a shipbuilding industry that was in many respects an extension of that of Clydeside in southwestern Scotland gave Ulster an economy and culture very different from that of the heavily rural and agricultural south. In the 1880s a Home Rule movement gathered force in Ireland and was embraced by the leader of Britain’s Liberal Party, William Ewart Gladstone, portending minority status in a larger self-ruling Ireland to those who were self-consciously Protestant, British, and Ulster and rekindling the anti-Catholic and anti-Irish passions of the Orange Order.

Northern Ireland - Plantations, Conflict, Union (2025)


What was the conflict in Northern Ireland mainly about? ›

The conflict began during a campaign by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association to end discrimination against the Catholic-nationalist minority by the Protestant-unionist government and local authorities. The government attempted to suppress the protests.

What was the difference between Unionist and Nationalist in Northern Ireland? ›

Much of the population of Northern Ireland identifies with one of two different ideologies: unionism (which wants the region to remain part of the United Kingdom) and Irish nationalism (which wants a united Ireland).

Why did the plantations fail in Ireland? ›

Outcome of the Plantation;

The land was so badly damaged as a result of the war and the famine that it was difficult to farm. The Irish, who had been driven from their land, constantly attacked the Planters. Due to these attacks most of the Planters fled back to England.

What is the name of the conflict that broke out across Northern Ireland? ›

the Troubles, violent sectarian conflict from about 1968 to 1998 in Northern Ireland between the overwhelmingly Protestant unionists (loyalists), who desired the province to remain part of the United Kingdom, and the overwhelmingly Roman Catholic nationalists (republicans), who wanted Northern Ireland to become part of ...

Are Catholics still persecuted in Northern Ireland? ›

Continued Segregation

Despite the official end of the Troubles in 1998, the division between Catholics and Protestants is still prominent in the 6 counties of Northern Ireland, something that is exhibited by the high number of peace walls that have been erected in major cities since the Troubles ended.

Is Northern Ireland mostly Catholic or Protestant? ›

Religions broken down by place of birth in the 2011 census.
Place of birthCatholicProtestant and other Christian
Northern Ireland88.7%92.9%
4 more rows

Do unionists consider themselves Irish? ›

Why do Irish Protestants consider themselves to be British and not Irish? If you mean unionists, they don't. They consider themselves to be both British and Irish.

Are nationalists Catholic or Protestant? ›

But many Catholic Irish believed Ireland should have its own government, independent of England and the British Crown. They were known as nationalists. In contrast, Irish Protestants generally supported British rule of Ireland. They were known as loyalists.

Are there Catholic unionists in Northern Ireland? ›

The most recent surveys suggest that, although a plurality of Catholics in Northern Ireland are technically unionists in that they support Northern Ireland remaining part of the United Kingdom, very few would self-identify as unionist or support an explicitly unionist political party.

What happened to the Irish during the Ulster Plantation? ›

The Ulster plantation was one cause of the 1641 Irish Rebellion, during which thousands of settlers were killed, expelled or fled. After the Irish Catholics were defeated in the Cromwellian conquest of 1652, most remaining Catholic-owned land was confiscated and thousands of English soldiers settled in Ireland.

Who were the loyal Irish in the Ulster Plantation? ›

On board were a number of Irish families, the noblemen of Ulster, including: Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, Ruairí O'Donnell, Earl of Tír Chonaill, Cú Chonnacht Maguire, Lord of Fermanagh and ninety nine members of their extended families and households.

Which queen was responsible for the Ulster Plantation? ›

In the 1570s, Elizabeth I authorized a privately funded plantation of eastern Ulster, led by Thomas Smith and Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex.

Why is Northern Ireland not part of Ireland? ›

Northern Ireland was created in 1921, when Ireland was partitioned by the Government of Ireland Act 1920, creating a devolved government for the six northeastern counties.

Is Belfast still divided? ›

In Belfast, the 1970s were a time of rising residential segregation. It was estimated in 2004 that 92.5% of public housing in Northern Ireland was divided along religious lines, with the figure rising to 98% in Belfast. Self-segregation is a continuing process, despite the Northern Ireland peace process.

What were the worst atrocities of Northern Irish conflict? ›

The La Mon restaurant bombing was an incendiary bomb attack by the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) on 17 February 1978 and has been described as one of the worst atrocities of the Troubles. It took place at the La Mon House hotel and restaurant, near Belfast.

What was the IRA fighting for? ›

Irish Republican Army (IRA), republican paramilitary organization seeking the establishment of a republic, the end of British rule in Northern Ireland, and the reunification of Ireland.

What was the conflict in Northern Ireland in 1969? ›

Wednesday 13 August 1969

Serious rioting spread across Northern Ireland from Derry to other Catholic areas stretching the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). The rioting deteriorated into sectarian conflict between Catholics and Protestants and many people, the majority being Catholics, were forced from their homes.

Why did Ireland and Northern Ireland split? ›

The whole conflict that led to partition reduces fundamentally to the failure of the Reformation in Ireland and the fact that it threw up a confessional divide between the British generally: between the English, the Welsh, the Scots—and the Irish, who remained largely Catholic.

Why did Catholics and Protestants fight? ›

Fought after the Protestant Reformation began in 1517, the wars disrupted the religious and political order in the Catholic countries of Europe, or Christendom. Other motives during the wars involved revolt, territorial ambitions and great power conflicts.

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